Dear Leopard
It’s about time to
start a brand new year with ongoing construction that includes additional classrooms, new media center, new cafeteria and
commons, new agriculture classrooms and shop, and several athletic facility
upgrades. As we reflect and celebrate the great
accomplishments of the Lorena High School 2013-14 school year, we can clearly
show that our school’s academic performance continues to rise. The academic
successes of our students with the support of our teachers have put the school
on a path toward extraordinary. Our students did a phenomenal job on our EOC assessments by
having some of the highest scores in the area and among the state. The
year was filled with great accomplishments by many of our student groups.
We are excited about
the new opportunities that 2014-15 will bring for LHS and all of its students.
Please make plans to attend our two orientation times on August
27. We will be passing out class schedules and discussing important
issues in regards to the start of school and construction. "Fish
Camp" for the incoming 9th graders will be on August 29 from
10-12. The first day of school will be on Tuesday, September 2.
We look forward to
another great year and remember - It's a Great Day to be a Leopard!!!!